I know my blog posts are normally film industry related, but tonight I'm going to go off topic for a moment.
The other day, a woman I've known since I was 5 years old who used to live across the street from me, posted a Bay City Rollers video she came across to my Facebook page. The song was "I Only Want to Be With You". That made me smile.
For anyone reading this who isn't familiar with the Bay City Rollers; they were a Scottish pop/rock band founded by Alan Longmuir (bass, piano) and his brother Derek Longmuir (drums). The group had other early members, but what's referred to now as "the classic lineup" includes Eric Faulkner (guitar, violin, mandolin), Stuart "Woody" Wood (guitar, bass, piano, saxophone) and Leslie MeKeown (lead singer). At the height of their fame in the mid to late 70s, they sold well over 100 million records. Their most popular song here in America was "Saturday Night", though a number of great songs were on the charts. Their fan base was mainly pre-teen and teen girls who could easily fall into mass hysteria of crying and screaming just at the mention of them.
Over time there were a few other members like Ian Mitchell, Pat McGlynn and Duncan Faure. The group was most popular when Les McKeown was the lead singer, but musically, they were the best when Duncan Faure was the lead singer.
The band members all hit hard times after the group disbanded because their money was so mismanaged, mishandled and moved around, they didn't have any. They spent years trying to get the millions they were owed. I'm not sure how that all turned out or if it's still ongoing. Last I heard they were still battling it out in the courts. I always felt bad for them that they had to go through that.
Through the years, I've always kept up with what's happening with the guys as best as I can. There was a time long before the internet so we didn't have access to instant news and information. I've watched documentaries, read the books, bought the videos, CDs and DVDs. My playlists always include Bay City Rollers songs.
Then along came the internet... and that evil bastard, social media. I've been following Les McKeown and Stuart Wood on Facebook for many years. Eric and Derek really aren't into it, though they do have people who update approved groups on their behalf and I never did follow Alan on social media.
Les and Stuart have repeatedly let it be known through social media that they don't like each other. They have a long history of not liking each other going back to the 70's when they were still in the band.
Les is the one who usually stirs the pot first when he posts something on social media. He's a typical self-absorbed bully. He was back then and he still is. He gets pleasure out of posting insults from the safety of his keyboard where he has an audience instead of dealing with people face to face. Stuart will then post something on Facebook in defense instead of letting it go or dealing with it offline.
I was shocked a few years ago when it was announced Les, Stuart and Alan were going to be touring for the Holidays. I even said out loud at the time "this isn't going to end well". Eric wasn't in it because he has been recovering from viral encephalitis and isn't able to travel and Derek wasn't involved. I suspect I know why, but I don't know for sure so I'll just keep that thought to myself.
Just as I thought there would be, there was a bitter ending between Les and Stuart (you can Google about it to read the news stories).
One item I read was Alan's and Stuart's wives got into a physical fight after one of the shows because one said something about the other's husband. Who does that? I don't know the details, I wasn't there. Mind you, the guys are all over 60 years old and I don't know how old the wives are but they've got to be well over 50 years old. Their behavior is just as bad, if not worse than 12 year old kids.
Alan passed away last year. Eric is still recovering and doing much better playing small gigs here and there. Derek is still doing whatever it is he does. Les has a band and tours singing Bay City Rollers songs. Stuart started a New Generation Bay City Rollers band with younger musicians and himself.
Les uses social media to make accusations against or insult Stuart... and of course Stuart responds in defense.
Apparently this time it's all about who gets to use the Bay City Rollers name and how. I thought that had been settled in court years ago, apparently I'm wrong.
Also, there's a sense of competition between the two of who was better friends with Alan and each of them accusing the other of trying to profit from Alan's death.
Really? Seriously! I didn't make any of that up... you can't make that up. They should be ashamed of themselves.
The sickening part is, now, because they choose to use social media to air their dirty laundry, it's uglier than ever and people are getting into it that have no business being in it. The wives are still fighting each other and posting about it on Facebook, the administrators of the Facebook group pages, Pat McGlynn... they've all put their two cents in when it's none of their business. I haven't seen anything from Ian or Duncan... not sure if they've said anything or not... hopefully they're smart enough to stay out of it.
Worst of all are the "fans". These guys and their wives bickering through social media has drawn battle lines between the fans and many have fallen for it and chosen sides. A lot of the comments I see make me sick! Here in America we have the Democrats and Republicans constantly going at it because the big orange man keeps the country divided by drawing out everybody's hate. That's exactly what's happening now between the Les fans and the Woody fans. I hear it's even gotten to the point where some "fans" are making threats.
I guarantee there is not one "fan" on this planet who knows the full story of what's going on between these guys. You have Les' social media version and you have Stuart's social media version... and common sense should tell you that the truth lies right in the middle.
This is what needs to happen before it escalates to the point where someone is physically harmed: Les, Stuart and the wives (who are just as responsible for the fan division) need to go on social media and denounce the "fans" making threats of any kind! Then they need to apologize for their unprofessional behavior.
If there are issues Les, Stuart or anybody else associated with them feel need to be resolved legally, then they need to hire lawyers to sort it out in court. They need to keep it offline and deal with it professionally and privately.
If they don't want to go to court, then Les can tour with his band and Stuart can tour with his band... it's NOT A COMPETITION. There's a lot of people out there who would happily pay to see both bands.
Also... let Alan rest in peace already. I'm sure he cared very much about everybody.
To the "fans", the majority of whom are well over 50 or 60 years old too and will undoubtedly Google the Bay City Rollers and come across this one day: just because social media has comment features, that doesn't mean you have to use them. Stay out of people's personal fights... it doesn't matter who it is... it's none of your business so act your age, scroll past them and butt out. Stop feeding the hate. That's just plain common sense. If you're among those who have made threats, I hope you get prosecuted to the full extent of the law for it.
I want to continue to enjoy ALL of the surviving members of The Bay City Rollers just as I have for the last 40+ years, no matter what they're doing. I enjoy reading about the concert tours, interviews and appearances and other work.
Most of all, this world just needs people to be kind to each other. GROW UP and be nice!
Music is supposed to be the one common love and bond among ALL people. To tear it apart over petty bullshit is a tragedy.
I'm sure this is not the legacy any of the guys wants to leave behind, but it's up to them to make it right.
As always with my blog page, I moderate all comments and negative or cruel comments won't be approved. If you have a different point of view than mine, great! Write about it in your own blog page.