Hello and welcome to all of you good people! I am not a professional film critic or blogger, this is my personal page. We're here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. All positive interaction is encouraged and greatly appreciated. If you're one of those who lives to post mean comments on blog pages, you are not welcome. Your comments will not be approved or posted and you will get no audience here so move along. I DO NOT MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS PAGE

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


We all know that one person who, no matter what you do and no matter what you enjoy, they will put you down for it. They say things like "you're crazy" when you enjoy doing something other people don't do. 

I actually ended a lifelong friendship maybe 5 years ago or so because I got tired of hearing that. I was always supportive of anything she did, but she was always critical of what I did. I figured out that I was getting way too old to be made to feel the way I felt when she put me down like that, so I walked away and never looked back. No regrets about it. 

You'll notice if you try to leave a comment on this blog page, it won't be posted until I approve it. I do that because I don't want mean comments about actors on my page. This is not TMZ, Instagram or Twitter. My page is not a democracy and freedom of speech doesn't apply to the comments section here. I will only allow comments that are kind and respectful. 

Still, I from time to time I get that one asshole who will try to post a nasty comment. Sometimes it's a comment about the actor, sometimes it's a cruel comment about me. 

I've been told "you're crazy" because I like to do actor marathons. 

So, just in case anyone else has anything nasty to say about why I like to do actor marathons, I'll tell you myself why I like to do actor marathons. 

Every single one of us has particular tastes when it comes to movies and television. We like particular genres and we stick to it. Most people don't even attempt to see movies or television shows that aren't in their favorite genres. 

Many years ago I worked in a mom & pop video store where I had no choice but to watch movies that weren't in my favorite genres. Watching movies so I could make recommendations to customers was my job. It's the best thing that could happen to a film lover. 

Many years later, I would still watch movies occasionally that weren't part of my favorite genres, but more often than not, I stayed in my comfort zone. That's a real shame because I was cheating myself out of getting to see some really great movies that are a huge part of cinematic history by limiting myself like that. 

After the IMDb website became more popular, I don't even remember how it started, but I would pick an actor and try to watch all of their credits that were listed. I used to have to depend on renting movies but as time has gone on, it's gotten easier because there are more online platforms to see movies.

Let's use the Tom Hanks marathon as an example. I'd seen a lot of his work over the years, but I hadn't seen it all. He had done some movies that fit into genres I don't normally want to watch when I have other options of things to see. War movies are difficult for me to watch, but if I hadn't done the Tom Hanks marathon, I never would have seen Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers or The Pacific... and it turns out they were all fantastic.

I know people who have never seen any movies made before 1990. How sad is that? There's a whole world of great entertainment history out there they're depriving themselves of.

Some people only watch the huge budget blockbuster studio movies with actors who make more than $20 million per movie when there's a whole world of FANTASTIC independent movies with budgets less than $100K and outstanding actors you may have never heard of. 

Some people refuse to see foreign films because they don't like to read. There are dozens of great foreign movies I would have missed if I had that attitude. Pierfrancesco Favino is among my favorite actors and most of his movies are Italian. You get used to reading the subtitles really fast so it's not as bad as some people make it sound. People who complain about them the most have probably never even tried to see one. 

I've been told I watch too many gay movies. My brain doesn't process movies as gay or straight... my brain sees "movie"... period. I watch movies with straight characters, I watch movies with gay character and I watch some movies that have straight and gay characters. As long as it's a great story, who cares what the sexual orientation of the characters are? 

I want to experience as much of the film industry from every genre out there. When I pick an actor and challenge myself to watch all of their acting credits, I get to see a whole lot of great films I would have passed on otherwise. What a shame that would be. 

So to anyone else out there who has anything nasty to say.... what the hell do you care what I do? Most of the people who read this page don't know me personally, some do, but most don't. What do you care about anything someone you don't know does? How sad does your life have to be to insult people you don't know over something like this? 

I'm doing something I enjoy and I'm sharing it just in case someone else might enjoy doing it. Nobody held a gun to your head and made you read anything on this blog page. If you don't like it, then don't read it. The internet is a huge place, go somewhere else. Simple. 

To those who want to leave mean comments, fuck off and get a life! They're not going to be approved and posted so you're wasting your time. 

To those of you who visit my page often and are supportive, I THANK YOU with all of my heart and I hope you continue to enjoy it!! 

Never let anyone insult you for doing things you enjoy. 

Monday, January 7, 2019


Yesterday was quite emotional watching the Golden Globe awards and seeing Rami Malek and Bohemian Rhapsody take home two of the top awards of the night. Not to mention the fact I finished the Rami Malek marathon yesterday as well. My Bohemian Rhapsody blog post has been updated to reflect that.  

I always feel a huge sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when I complete actor marathons. Not only do I learn more to love and appreciate about that actor, it opens me up to a whole lot of movies and TV shows I never would have watched without taking the challenge. As I've stepped outside of my comfort zone, my eyes have been opened to a whole world of cinematic history I never knew nor would have known if I didn't do this.

Today I begin my Gina Gershon Actor Marathon. I already love Gina Gershon as an actor, but going through her acting credits on IMDb, there are some I'm very familiar with, but even more I'm not. Movies and TV shows I didn't even know existed until now... and would have continued to not know about if I didn't do this.

I'm looking forward to this. Click HERE and follow along!!